needle felt fox holding a blue heart

Mixed Media Sculptures



Creations to feed your soul!

needle felt hare holding a pink balloon

Mixed Media Sculptures



Creations to feed your soul!

Needle felt hare and fox holding heart shape balloon

Each sculpture is hand crafted from wire, wool, wood and fabric.

Found objects, old buttons and beads are included adding a unique feel to each piece.

New Work

The process!

Alex is a mixed media artist based in the midlands. She works from her home studio and workshop space using sheeps wool and wire as the basis for her ‘textile menagerie’. Watch this video to see how a needle felt fox is made.


Alex enjoys sharing techniques and inspiring others to make. She runs craft workshops from her Leicestershire studio and is happy to travel and deliver workshops across the UK so please don’t hesitate to get in touch. For groups of 2 or more you have the option to pick a date and project of your choice.

Visit the workshop page for more information